Dec 7, 2011

As of today

I am feeling better, almost no pain, still sneezing but if I had to put a number on how I feel today it would be about 6-7 compared to 2-3 some months ago, that in a scale of 1 to10.

I am still taking medications, three pills a day, the doctor said that it is a very small dose and that I should not worry about it. I was also given the green light to excercise again and I am extremely happy about that, imagine my life without movement, oh no! I don't want to go there right now!
I was aked to refrain (actually, I physically couldn't do it anyways) from high impact activities, martial arts (explosive movement) weight liftgting and anything physically demanding that would affect my immune system, anything that would make my body react to the stress from exercising. It has been excruciating, I really love movement, exercise for me is an outlet, is sometimes all I have in a place where no family or dear friends are available, and yes I have some friends here but people are busy and don't take much time to share, so for me excercise is a way to connect with my inner self and with people around me, excercise is what I do, it is a HUGE part of my life, without it I am a  bit lost... but wait, I'm finding myself in the process and there is more to my life than just that, so no worries here, we are cool!

So, last october I was told that I could do some Yoga (not Ashtanga), to keep doing QiGong and to use my good judgement on what I can do on a given day. I can now recognize how I am feeling on certain days and so I choose either to rest or to move, and so far, I am doing between 2 and 4 yoga classes a week, I lift weights once a week (very light and very little) and that's about it.. is a good beginning I think. I am also teaching 6 classes a week and two of them are a bit demanding but I don't do much, is my specialty class, a boxing/kickboxing inspire cardio class and I really don't do much, I mostly explain, cue and motivate, people know exactly what to do and I don't have to do the whole class, I love this class, my favorite, about 40-60 people in class, screaming, jumping, having fun, it gives me lots of good vibes, I am grateful for it.

This coming week (from dec 12th to 18th) I am planning to take 4 yoga classes and lift weights at least once...

Soon I'll be back with updates on my allergy treatment.

Love xx

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