Feb 12, 2016

Happy New Year... in February!

Well, is not too late to wish the world HNY, right? 2015 went so fast, and we are already on month 02 of this new year. Gosh! where is time going?!

Last November, on the 1st to be exact, I decided to make my first batch of soap.

I've always loved natural, organic, home/hand made products and soaps are one of my favs. So, I ventured into "what if I make my own?". And after a few trial and error attempts and a few melt and pour pretty awesome bars, the first cold process batch of soap was whipped and set to harden in my guest room! And let me tell you it came out quite good and I have now many batches under my belt, or should I say, on the guest room table.

I love experimenting and creating new recipes. Shea butter, cocoa butter, olive oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, goat's milk, honey, oatmeal, cocoa nibs, Himalayan salt... the list is long, as anything, literally, can be used to make soap, even beer! And that one, is one of my favourite bars of soap.

There no secret to it, mix oils/fats with sodium hydroxide (lye) and boom! you get soap. Add luxurious oils, delicate essential oils and pour into fancy moulds and boom! you get beautiful, delicate, good for your skin soaps.

I have had a few surprises, soap on a stick, false trace, overheated soap, too soft, too hard, sweaty problems... oh my! the list is long too and I love it! Nothing stops me from experimenting, trying, again and again. and coming up with awesome and not so awesome results.

I love having 4-5 bars on soap in my shower, I have to try them all you know! Love giving them to my friends and family for feedback and well... to try you know. Somebody has to...

I'll let you check a few pictures @panelasoaps on Instagram, and in the upcoming days I will write more about my soap endeavours. I may even share a recipe or too.

Stay tuned, more on this soap adventures coming soon.

Aug 9, 2015

Talking about LOVE

I am addicted to love!
VoilĂ  ! That's my declaration.

Love has always been intriguing to me. I love deeply,  and I know how love feels like because I love quite a lot, I am used to love, I'm passionate about it, and to me love means the world. Love is everything. I've always been loved, one way or another. By my mom, my friends, my family, by those around me. Even when the vibe turns hostile I can still appreciate that as love.
Love to me goes beyond the typical "I love you", which I must admit I use quite often, and I love (pun intended) to see people's faces when I drop the L word, the thing is, I mean it.

When I talk love with people I know I get the:
-love my mom (I do too)
-love my children (no luck there)
-love my husband/wife (hell yes! I love the man)
-love my pet (aaawww I love my puppies unconditionally)

For me it goes way beyond that, and please correct me if I am wrong, maybe what I am talking about here is not love.

  • I love life, passionately and I do not miss a chance to live fully and take chances I would regret not taking and that might not come back. I would do anything and risk it all to live a meaningful life, and I don't mean irresponsibly, I mean, living fully and loving every minute of it. I chase love whenever I feel it!
  • I love the people crossing my paths and leaving a mark on me, they are cherished in in heart and never forgotten. If you sparked love in me, then you will always be part of my life, even if you don't know abut it. 
  • I love the girl that makes my coffee in the morning, as soon as I walk into that coffee shop, she smiles and by the time I get to the counter, she is already on it. She knows me, lactose-free latte extra hot, she makes hearts with the foam, and she comes around the counter to hug me. I love her!
  • I love kisses in any way, shape or form. Kisses make me feel alive, make me vibrate. I just love kisses! I LOVE KISSES!!!
  • I love touch, often times I forget most people don't like to be touched,. For me it's a way to connect, to feel, to vibrate. I will touch your arm if I talk to you, I might take your hand, or I will touch your hair. And you bet I will hug you at one point, truth be said, I do it for me, because I need to feel beyond the words. 
  • Love is that things that makes everything alright, when I'm pissed beyond my ears and can't see straight, I take myself back to love and everything becomes clear. I can only be responsible for how much I love and how I react when things "fall" out of love. Try it, it works!
  • Love is somehow a chemical reaction in my brain and body that leads me to feel full, energized, content, happy, full, dizzy, and all I need is something, someone to spark it, after that's started, no worries man, I'll take it from there! And so I seek that in every interaction I have with the world. I'm all about love. 
Open up to love. Love a bit more and you will be changed forever. No matter what, take it back to love and things will turn around. Love deeply, love harder. Dude, just love!

 "We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Jan 1, 2015

2015 New year. New beginning

I couldn't wait for 2014 to end and often said it was the toughest year I've had so far. I was holding onto fear and pain and blaming 2014 for it. 

Truth is, 2014 was a wonderful year, filled with personal growth and some of the biggest learnings of my life. So many things happened and it wasn't life's fault, it was all the result of my actions and I am the only responsible, if not for the outcome, at least for the attitude towards it. 

2014 was the year I took a stand for myself and those I love. I found my voice! And loud and clear I was heard. Big decisions and so many steps forward were taken. As much as I cried, suffered and dwelled in pain, in 2014 I also discovered how strong and unbreakable I am! Just like bamboo, I bend so I don't break.

2014 was kind to show who my true friends are, those that really love me for better or for worse, those that would come from far, and would go above and beyond to show me how much I'm loved and cared for. I always complain that my family and my true friends are far, and that has been a great excuse of why I don't go out as much as I would like to, and why I don't enjoy myself as much I want to, and why I hardly ever accept invitations to do fun stuff with people I know here in Montreal where I've been living for the last 12 years. 
The reality is that I have, here in Montreal a lot (yes lots!) of amazing friends that have become my family. I've created, for myself and for those around me, a huge community of like minded people and I've shared wonderful moments with this amazing community. My Montreal community knows me, loves me and appreciates me and I feel that every single day. I'm not alone here, have never been. I am loved and I love, and that's what it's all about. 

I work for a wonderful company that allows me to grow at my own pace (and my pace is fast!), that hands me the tools to develop myself into the best human being I could possibly be. Where I am not afraid to fall because I know that I have so many people behind me to help me get back on my feet, where no dream is ever too big, where possibility is where we all are,  and where I am treated as a being and not as a number in the payroll. I am given the space to just be and I'm so grateful to have that, it is a blessing! 
I love the people I work with, they have given so much love and support, not just my nearby colleagues but so many people within the company, something so rare to see these days, they are some of the most inspiring people I've met, and I will fight ninja style to protect my team, yes I will! 
And I go to work in sweatpants, leggings and running shoes... WIN WIN WIN

I can only be grateful for 2014 and very little, if anything, to b*tch about!

Thank you 2014 for being amazing, for coming and going, far from smooth, and so full of learnings. In the end, that's life, we either win or we learn, and I'm made for this.

Welcome 2015

Mar 7, 2013

The death of Hugo Chavez

Today some people asked me if I was sad for Chavez's death and of course I can't be happy for the death of a human being. However:
Yesterday died the man who divided my country and created an incredible state of hate between Venezuelans. The same man that ordered the firing and killing of many marching venezuelans, they were voicing out their ideas (just for the record, I, Monica Ordaz, was there!). The man that gave so many hate speeches about capitalism and Imperialism, referring to USA (where his family, friends and people from the government love to go to and own properties ). The man who attempted a coup d'etat against another venezuelan president and when he died said: "There will be no national mourning because today died a dictator, a corrupt person" yet for Chavez the country has to stop for seven days and people can not work even if they want to until his mourning is over (Chavez was even more corrupt and his ideals were communists). The same man who built hospitals in other nations, while in Venezuela peope DIE everyday because there is not enough supplies in the hospitals, the man that gave away our oil to his counterparties/take-advantage-puppets in exchange of agreeing with his leftwings ideas, I wonder what Evo Morales, Cristina Kirchner, the Castro brothers and many others oil suckers are gonna do now?! Yesterday died the man that led us to have the highest inflation and shortages we have ever had in the history of Venezuela. Yesterday died the greatest TYRANT in the history of Venezuela. The one who brought the greatest corruption, institutional and social decomposition ever seen throughout our history. Thanks to Chavez and his political practices my family live in a country where people rejoice when they find basic products as milk, flour, chicken, butter, sugar o toilette paper in the supermarket; a country where we have blackouts every day; even when we have The Guri Dam (America's 2nd biggest hydroelectric power station), not to speak about the water rationing. A country where many people have to make lines at the banks just to receive permission from the government to spend our money abroad (and just the amount they think we need); thanks to that man venezuelans live in a country where they are afraid of the army and the police; a country where there is no freedom of expression; venezuelans live in a country where justice doesn't exist, where we have political prisoners, where your life doesn't mean a thing! A country that is not at war with another country but with itself (murder rate of almost 22.000 for 2012 only!)
I'm not happy about his death yet I am not sad. As they say: “every death is respected but not every dead is mourned”
Hopefully, peace will reach my country and my people and may the universe provide strength for what's about to come. Hard times are approaching but I believe the worst is over!

Jul 15, 2012

...Back to Life


I've been away for quite a long time right? Well, I have been busy! That's all... no, really,
I have been hiding.. from I don't know what. Since I started to feel better and since my health situation improved dramatically in the last months I have been away from the blog. Reading my posts brings me back to some memories I would love to forget yet I know how important it is to stay connected to my past yet not attached to it.
In fact, re-reading my posts reminded me how brave I have been all this time and how much I've done to overcome the worst and feel the most stable (physically and mentally).

I've been really careful, I've been eating properly, following my treatment, exercising regularly and keeping my mind and body active and have finally achieved what my doctor called "remission" so I'm extremely happy!
Do I still have pain? Yes, sometimes, no biggie! Do I still get sick, yes sometimes, everybody does! Do I still get frustrated and antsy with it, not at all, now that something big!

I am back to training and not only gentle yoga, now Martial arts are back into my life and I couldn't be happier! I am running as well and man that I am slow! I know I'll get back in shape quite fast though, I am such a sucker for health and exercise, in no time I'll be right on top! watch me!

I am also having so much fun in my life right now, somehow I have learnt to take more time for myself and pause for deep breaths and enjoyment. I have learnt that there is no point in rushing, My life is not a race and most important of all I am not alone in this world! I am surrounded by amazing people that have been strong supporters, people that believe in me and do not doubt my greatness. I have rediscovered old friends, met new friends and have been encouraged by the most unexpected people. And yes, I have an amazing hubby and my so loved family, really, I can not complain, I am surrounded by some of the most amazing inspiring human beings and you all know who you are!

This post is a THANK YOU to the Universe, to the world, to my life, to everyone around me, to my doggies, to my hubby... to everyone and everything really, because when I thought that the world was conspiring against me to make my life miserable I discovered that it was in fact working in my favor to help me realize that everything is just perfect the way it is!

And today I am taking a bold move, inspired by a quote from the lululemon manifesto "do one thing a day that scares you" and inspired by some lovely ladies I spent one afternoon with teaching yoga to cyclists during the ride to conquer cancer. 

I am posting this blog to the world, for everyone to see! I never did for fear of being judged, criticized and ridiculed, well guess what?! I do not care about that, people have the choice to read it or not and I hope it will inspire or help someone out there not feeling great about themselves, health related or not!
And a big thank you to all of those who decided to make an impact in my life without asking for permission, I really appreciate it!

Feel free to send me messages, to correct my spelling and grammar, to ask me questions, anything!

And now before I chicken out LOL, let me go post this somewhere really public, facebook and twitter!!!!

Mar 27, 2012

Yoga Homework assignment

So, as part of my Ashtanga Yoga certification I was asked to write about numerous things and one of the questions was What is Yoga? I didn't feel like intellectualizing my answer and instead I decided to let my mind and fingers run loose and this is what came out. I find it funny, hope you find it too.

And, yes, I know I haven't shared much in a while, I will share, when I am ready to :)


In my opinion, Yoga is seen here in the west as a physical practice that can be gentle or more active depending on the style and that a lot of people have come to appreciate for its stress-releasing benefits, especially when united to meditation and other relaxing methods.
People understand that Yoga comes from India and that it is more than Asana (Physical) practice, yet, people choose to take mostly the asana practice and get “fit” through it. Sometimes, people often discover the other side of yoga once they start practicing it but it is not always the case.
Everybody does yoga in one way or another here in the west. Expecting mothers do pre-natal Yoga, the more physically fit do Power Yoga, the stressed out worker does Yin Yoga, there is Yoga Fit, Hot Yoga, Naked Yoga, Yoga Chocolat, Oh my! There is yoga everywhere and for everyone. Is this a good thing, maybe! Is this a bad thing? It all depends. If the practice of any type of Yoga leads to the path of understanding and enlightening in any shape or form, then it should be a good thing. If the practice of Yoga leads to injury, reckless physical practice and non-reversible damage being mental, physical or collective within a community, then we are talking more serious business. And yes, Yoga has become the business of the west. Countless Yoga studios opening in every city, even small ones, Yoga teachers are being certified every year, actually every month if not, everyday! And someone is making money out of it! Is that Yoga? Looks like it is. And don’t take me wrong, I don’t see anything wrong with it, I am not here to judge, I will leave the judging to those who don’t practice yoga.
I have this idea that after many westerners travelled to India to immerse in the art of Yoga and became enlightened and in love with this arts and their teachers, they thought that the message could be carried along and that they could help others achieve what they have achieved with their practice. I am almost sure that none of them thought what it could become, one of the biggest industries in the (fitness) world of today. And of course, we all know that, not all teachers are the same (Thank goodness for that!)
Yoga is seen by some as unattainable postures that only the flexible ones can do, others see yoga as the perfect way to get flexible and get fit. To others Yoga is the perfect time to meet and mingle with friends and get some “me” time. Yoga has become even a look, a style, a fashion statement. For the more “serious” adepts, Yoga is “the practice”, their ritual, and with no doubt I can say that we have all tried Yoga, whether we have stayed in the practice or not, we have all tried one form or another of “Yoga”. I personally love Yoga Nidra, fun stuff, lie down, listen to the words and fall sleep... oh wait! That’s not what Yoga Nidra was supposed to be about, right?...
Yoga has been vandalized, turned into a serious business. Series of postures and sequences have been registered and/or trademarked. Styles have been named and renamed, all with distinctive benefits, Gurus and an immense mass of followers, even a sex scandal!!!.  To the Anusara practitioners, Ashtanga Yogis are rude. To the Bikram practitioners, Hot-Yoga stole their Yoga. To Kundalini Yogis, those who wear black are mental. And do not dare to step foot in a level 2-3 Moksha class filled with dancers, your half-assed attempt to split will be frowned upon, yes I am kidding, and no, I am not.

I think that Yoga could be a vessel to world peace, if only we can accept that as human beings we have the choice. The choice to “choose” our Yoga whatever that means. Even if my Yoga means being respectful, kind and loving towards another human being. Even if my Yoga is just a couple of postures a day and even if someone else’s yoga is being on headstand for hours! Compassion and acceptance, that’s Yoga for me!

Yoga in my world is more than a physical practice, is the way I carry myself, is the way I live my life and the way I do what I do. Through Yoga I have learn that there are no obstacles that you can’t overcome. Patience and perseverance is the key that will open all doors.

I like Ashtanga Yoga. In a quest for finding the roots of the Yoga style that inspired my Budokon practice I found Ashtanga. Little I knew what I was getting into! I find the practice kind and receptive despite the killer postures in the primary series. I have come to love Pranayama and Meditation and they have become part of my daily life, even more than Asana. My life has been changed through the practice. I have become more malleable and open in my heart and mind and through the practice I have overcome some serious obstacles and my health has improved tremendously.
I am grateful for Yoga, whatever Yoga is. And let me share the thought of someone I love dearly, she signs her correspondence with the phrase: “If everyone did Yoga, there would be world peace”. And I couldn’t agree more!


Dec 14, 2011

A brand new day!

I went training, and I mean real training, yesterday!

Weight lifting with a dear friend who I call P :) I was a bit afraid since it has been a while since I have actually worked out hard and when I did in the past I always got sick the day after, down with the dreaded cold and or sneezing attack, a response from my immune system to the stress of hard training.
I do Yoga, Qigong, etc but haven't done any Martial Arts, Boxing, Running or high impact/strenuous activities in a while, way too long for my liking!!! And since the doctors told me to start building up my movement and to use my good judgement and expertise to re-train myself, I have been doing exactly do silently, methodically and fiercely, like ninjas do! *laughs*

So, yesterday, P and I went to the gym and we did 3 sets of 20 Squats (first two sets was body weight and last set with 10 lb) then we moved into Walking Lunges, 3 sets (I did only one set), Hamstring Curls (Standing and Pronated) 3 sets with enough weight to feel my hams burning!!! Chest Press with 10 lb dumbbells, Bicep Curls with a 15 lb bar (I felt a bit like a wimp, I used to lift double that!) Shoulder Press with 15 lb and finally Crunches and a good stretch session at the end.

It felt good to be back in the gym, and the idea that I will be getting stronger gives me hope that soon, very soon, I'll be back in the ring, boxing my way up and even sooner I will bring my kicks to TKD, my Gi to the tatamis and soon, very soon I'll be choking people out and kicking some real @$$ (I'm watching my language, someone I respect asked me to)... And of course let's not leave Qigong behind which is the power of building and strengthening my Qi, the source of all power!
OK, maybe I won't choke anyone out but it is fun to say it, and we actually practice all sort of chokes in BJJ, so watch it!!!! HA!

So, moving on to what matters, how do I feel today? I am feeling just a bit sore, not enough though, I don't feel like I had a big workout (I know I did) maybe because despite my "thing" I am in great shape, I mean, I still look good if that counts in any way... maybe the cardio will be another story and I will build that up too, so no worries! Now, seriously.
I woke up sneezing this morning and for half a second I was scared. I did my best to relax and do my morning meditation, some sort of ritual I do every morning to control my sneezing, it works, don't ask me to explain, I don't know exactly how it works, but it actually does.
I lay still on my back, something like Savasana, I breathe the best I can, into the Dantien (belly) first (Qigong style) even when my nose is blocked I find my way through it and I breathe in and out through the nose and building up my Qi. Then I direct the breath into my organs, first to the right side (liver) and then to the left (spleen) and I keep alternating the breath between sides feeling the air going to this organs and doing the work (I think of it of a massage to my organs), then I bring the breath to my back (kidneys), feeling the air going right into my back and finally I breathe into the thoracic cage, filling out my lungs, not the belly anymore, I do the breathing for about 5-10 minutes depending on the severity of my morning sneezes. Through this breathing exercises I fill out my body with Qi, with energy, with air, with prana, with strength, with love! call it anything you want! And just so you know, nobody told me to do this, I have learned techniques through my Yoga and Qigong practice that I kind of mixed and this is the result, what matters is that it works for me! I also make sure that I am not cold, ever! I drees well to go to bed, I cover myself very well too, I wear a merino wool undershirt at all times to keep my core warm, wool/warm socks as well, just because as soon as I feel cold, my sneezes go wild!
And Ethan (remember the Chinese doctor?... who is not Chinese) told me to protect myself from the cold since I have a Qi deficiency and I might suffering from a cold liver and/or spleen, so man, I better watch it!

And to complete my day today, I went to Yoga. After my morning sneezing started I did the meditation and even though it worked well I was still sneezing just a bit, so my mind starting racing and I was getting worried, so I gathered all my things and went to Yoga, hot Yoga and had an amazing class, it was a Power Vinyasa Class and that was hard, I was looking for something gentle to help me restore and I found a killer Yoga Class that left me energized and fully awake and... sneezing who???? not me :)
I also had a laser treatment appointment right after Yoga to get rid of unmentionable hair *sush* and right after I taught a class, one of my corporate contracts.
So yes, I had a full day, yet I feel great right now. I can say I had a wonderful day.
I am making big progress and I am proud of myself!

I really hope you had a great day too.

Peace xx