Jul 15, 2012

...Back to Life


I've been away for quite a long time right? Well, I have been busy! That's all... no, really,
I have been hiding.. from I don't know what. Since I started to feel better and since my health situation improved dramatically in the last months I have been away from the blog. Reading my posts brings me back to some memories I would love to forget yet I know how important it is to stay connected to my past yet not attached to it.
In fact, re-reading my posts reminded me how brave I have been all this time and how much I've done to overcome the worst and feel the most stable (physically and mentally).

I've been really careful, I've been eating properly, following my treatment, exercising regularly and keeping my mind and body active and have finally achieved what my doctor called "remission" so I'm extremely happy!
Do I still have pain? Yes, sometimes, no biggie! Do I still get sick, yes sometimes, everybody does! Do I still get frustrated and antsy with it, not at all, now that something big!

I am back to training and not only gentle yoga, now Martial arts are back into my life and I couldn't be happier! I am running as well and man that I am slow! I know I'll get back in shape quite fast though, I am such a sucker for health and exercise, in no time I'll be right on top! watch me!

I am also having so much fun in my life right now, somehow I have learnt to take more time for myself and pause for deep breaths and enjoyment. I have learnt that there is no point in rushing, My life is not a race and most important of all I am not alone in this world! I am surrounded by amazing people that have been strong supporters, people that believe in me and do not doubt my greatness. I have rediscovered old friends, met new friends and have been encouraged by the most unexpected people. And yes, I have an amazing hubby and my so loved family, really, I can not complain, I am surrounded by some of the most amazing inspiring human beings and you all know who you are!

This post is a THANK YOU to the Universe, to the world, to my life, to everyone around me, to my doggies, to my hubby... to everyone and everything really, because when I thought that the world was conspiring against me to make my life miserable I discovered that it was in fact working in my favor to help me realize that everything is just perfect the way it is!

And today I am taking a bold move, inspired by a quote from the lululemon manifesto "do one thing a day that scares you" and inspired by some lovely ladies I spent one afternoon with teaching yoga to cyclists during the ride to conquer cancer. 

I am posting this blog to the world, for everyone to see! I never did for fear of being judged, criticized and ridiculed, well guess what?! I do not care about that, people have the choice to read it or not and I hope it will inspire or help someone out there not feeling great about themselves, health related or not!
And a big thank you to all of those who decided to make an impact in my life without asking for permission, I really appreciate it!

Feel free to send me messages, to correct my spelling and grammar, to ask me questions, anything!

And now before I chicken out LOL, let me go post this somewhere really public, facebook and twitter!!!!