Aug 9, 2015

Talking about LOVE

I am addicted to love!
Voilà ! That's my declaration.

Love has always been intriguing to me. I love deeply,  and I know how love feels like because I love quite a lot, I am used to love, I'm passionate about it, and to me love means the world. Love is everything. I've always been loved, one way or another. By my mom, my friends, my family, by those around me. Even when the vibe turns hostile I can still appreciate that as love.
Love to me goes beyond the typical "I love you", which I must admit I use quite often, and I love (pun intended) to see people's faces when I drop the L word, the thing is, I mean it.

When I talk love with people I know I get the:
-love my mom (I do too)
-love my children (no luck there)
-love my husband/wife (hell yes! I love the man)
-love my pet (aaawww I love my puppies unconditionally)

For me it goes way beyond that, and please correct me if I am wrong, maybe what I am talking about here is not love.

  • I love life, passionately and I do not miss a chance to live fully and take chances I would regret not taking and that might not come back. I would do anything and risk it all to live a meaningful life, and I don't mean irresponsibly, I mean, living fully and loving every minute of it. I chase love whenever I feel it!
  • I love the people crossing my paths and leaving a mark on me, they are cherished in in heart and never forgotten. If you sparked love in me, then you will always be part of my life, even if you don't know abut it. 
  • I love the girl that makes my coffee in the morning, as soon as I walk into that coffee shop, she smiles and by the time I get to the counter, she is already on it. She knows me, lactose-free latte extra hot, she makes hearts with the foam, and she comes around the counter to hug me. I love her!
  • I love kisses in any way, shape or form. Kisses make me feel alive, make me vibrate. I just love kisses! I LOVE KISSES!!!
  • I love touch, often times I forget most people don't like to be touched,. For me it's a way to connect, to feel, to vibrate. I will touch your arm if I talk to you, I might take your hand, or I will touch your hair. And you bet I will hug you at one point, truth be said, I do it for me, because I need to feel beyond the words. 
  • Love is that things that makes everything alright, when I'm pissed beyond my ears and can't see straight, I take myself back to love and everything becomes clear. I can only be responsible for how much I love and how I react when things "fall" out of love. Try it, it works!
  • Love is somehow a chemical reaction in my brain and body that leads me to feel full, energized, content, happy, full, dizzy, and all I need is something, someone to spark it, after that's started, no worries man, I'll take it from there! And so I seek that in every interaction I have with the world. I'm all about love. 
Open up to love. Love a bit more and you will be changed forever. No matter what, take it back to love and things will turn around. Love deeply, love harder. Dude, just love!

 "We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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