Things are more or less the same in regards to my health situation, I mean, The "sneezing" is still around and I am managing it well. I still do Therapeutic Yoga once a week, Qigong twice a week, TCM treatments once a week, Chinese Herbs twice a day and well, it all seems to be working. My energy levels are higher, I'm getting to enjoy more the nice weather and even went to the pool with my friend last week.
I am teaching 5 classes a week and so far so good, nothing strenuous or crazy just enough to keep me moving and feeling good, it kills me sometimes when I'm not able to throw flying kicks righ and left... yeah, you know what I mean!
So, really, what have I been up to lately?
I was doing Budokon all weekend, did I ever tell you about Budokon? Noooooo?
Well, Budokon is a fusion of Yoga, Martial Arts and Meditation, created by Kancho Cameron Shayne in 1998, check the web page and you will see how awesome Budokon is!
I have been practicing Budokon since June 2008 and I love it!
This past weekend I was testing to achieve my Budokon Purple Belt, I am the first Canadian Woman to achieve that rank and the fourth woman in the world!
Budokon is a fairly new art (a bit more than 10 years) so up to now there are no black belts, only two brown belts and about 8-9 purple belts, many blue belts and some more red belts. The ranking goes like this: White, Red, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black.
Check the web page and you will love what you see, on another post I will tell you my experience with Budokon and how it changed my life.
In the meantime, check out my performance for the Purple Belt Testing
I had to break boards with two different techniques. The First, Superman Punch, one board to break:
The testing weekend was exhausting, even though I didn't train much, most of the time I was teaching and coordinating the events, the last day of training was the test and it was exahusting, the next day I was sneezing all day and sooooo tired, at least I understood what was happening to my body and did my best to sleep, eat and rest!
Overall, I am managing my situation really well, and the weather here is helping a lot, it is nice and sunny out there and when the heats kicks in nothing hurts, my bones feel good :-) and I don't get sick as often. And of course, since I am not training/working as much, my immune system is taking a break and my energy reserves are not depleted anymore.
I will keep you updated and know that so far, I'm looking tanned and healthy and best of all: I am feeling much better!!! That's all that matters!
Next post, I'll tell you all about the trip... that's exciting news!!!! Hint: BC...
Love & Light,